Monday, September 7, 2009

Reach out your hands to the one alone, in your city tonight. You've gotta do whats right

Questions, questions, questions, to which I have no answers for. Graduating has been a bit of an isolating experience. I understand "we're all in this together," but I find it harder and harder to reach out to people for help. To avoid being so insular in my thoughts, I decided to revive my blogging presence. This was partially prompted by my overwhelming Google Reader feed. I consume a lot of information, just because it's a lot easier than creating my own. Even then, my creation is merely remix, I suppose. But it's better than nothing.

My boyfriend thinks I spend too much time online. He doesn't realize that a lot of what I encounter inspires me. And okay, a lot of it is junk filler, a waste of minutes and space. ahah. Well, not everyone can hike. But I do understand that maybe I need to get out more. :) I took a bike ride today, albeit short.

I thought John Maus (do your best - Love is Real) was appropriate for my first post. I've been in a haze recently with all the changes happening at once (deaths, friends moving, etc). Being in Victoria, BC for a few days was really nice. I'll post some photos later.

It's been a while since I've written anything significant in a blog. I used to have a xanga account in high school, but have since retired it to the digital archives. I reread some of my entries recently, and to my horror and disgust, I realized that not much has changed. I was never all that candid, and even my language was muddled with metaphor. With each revision I make now, I hope to improve the process by which I deal with certain issues that pop up in my day to day réalité.

Hopefully, writing will bring me back to life, illuminate solutions, help me articulate goals, and hold myself accountable for reaching them. I've been feeling a little lost lately, in my work. Time seems to be moving a lot slower now. Oh, how the tide can shift so rapidly!

While sifting through old photos, I realized I want to get back into scrapbooking. And with a new scanner/photo printer, maybe I'll do some of that online. I have a couple of DIY projects in mind for the near future as well, including selling my old bike and possibly building a new one, revamping my grandma's room, practicing some new recipes, making more french toast, consuming more bacon, and getting the eff outta Milpitas (even temporarily). HA! i hope, fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. hey babygirl! totz muddled in metaphor! Blogs are the new TV, except way more informative!
